January really should be re categorised as its not just a month it feels like a jail sentence lol
It has dragged so much this year I’ve never noticed it before but this year has dragged and dragged.
So im going to go with the lows first so I can finish on a high.
If you don’t already know we lost our beautiful fur baby Night this month and it was devastating. She hadn’t really been poorly for long just off her food for just over a week. We had taken her to the vets after she hadn’t eaten for 2 days and they couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Then I just knew she wasn’t right so booked her in again and she sadly died 5 mins before leaving for the vets.
Breaking the news to the kids and watching Day (our other fur baby) Greive has been so hard. Day started to howl through the night and bark a lot so her bed has now been moved so she feels closer to us. I do feel that she’s on the mission to get into our room and is creaping closer lol but that’s not happening. The kids have been so sad but handled it really well.

We have also all been so ill through January its like bug after bug and we can’t seem to shift it. We don’t really get ill very often the kids rarely have days off but this month both Grace and Reuben have been off. I have been so ill (not flu) it has really knocked me off my feet. And now Adam seems to of caught it.
Grace was asked to take part in a tumbling competition, and she loved it. She didn’t get a medal but being able to compete was enough for her. She had to learn new skill and she really enjoyed the challenge.

Reuben has also moved up a class in TaeKwon-Do (ninja school lol ) and he loves it he also got a new snazzy uniform.

We have started DIY which is much needed, so huge declutter going on at the moment and probably through the year. We have lots of things we want to do and it makes me feel super happy to have started. Graces room is first as it needed some tlc.
As I have been sad and ill I haven’t been out anywhere near as much as I normally would so I haven’t been spending loads of money so that’s a win.
We had a lovely day out with Adams family bowling and for lunch. It was a much needed happy day. And Reuben got 100 points so triple figures for him which is fab.

I do love a new year, this one has had a big blip at the begging but that doesn’t mean we are not still super happy for the year ahead.
Its actually going to be a little different to normal as we haven’t got a holiday booked and doubt we will as I won’t leave Day now. I don’t like the idea of putting her in kennels alone, even though I know she would be fine as they are fab there but at the moment I can’t think about doing that.
We have also not renewed our Merlin Passes yet lol but we are thinking of having a year off so no days out to the parks. This actually scares me as we use them so so much.
So no holidays or days out lol so not like us but we will see what the year holds for us.
I hope you have all had a fabulous January and have a wonderful year planned ahead.