8 weeks in lockdown how are we all doing?
We are ok, there has been ups and downs as im sure every house has had. We have had some really tough days with home schooling and on these days we have just stopped. I always said at the beginning that if the kids were upset we would stop. My aim was never to make them a genius, it was only ever to keep their minds active. It also gave us a way to keep a schedule and on the whole it has worked really well. The kids have wanted to do the work set for them, maybe it makes them feel connected to school still. In fact they have been pretty fab at getting on with it.
We have done so much more baking than normal. Grace and Reuben just find a recipe and off they go and make it. I don’t even need to get involved anymore, when did they get so old.

The house has been battered and is the messiest it has ever been, how does that happen when I have no where to go lol Having the kids at home 24/7 I just can’t make it stay tidy for more than 30 mins. So honestly I have given up. We have paper everywhere, pictures they have drawn, boxes that they have made into something that i’m not allowed to throw away. All the extra toys are always out. And the throws! doesn’t matter how warm it is or how many times I fold them there is always a throw on the floor.

Food!! Who is spending all their money on food right now? yep we are lol our food bill has gone so high. I feel like all the kids do is snack and there is no break from making food. Breakfast, snack, snack, snack, lunch, snack, snack, snack, dinner, pudding, snack lol you get the idea.

We are all eating as it makes us happy im pretty sure im turning into a whale lol

My main memory from lockdown is that I have loved having everyone home. I am going to miss them all so much. I dont want Adam to go back to the office to work I like that we can have his coffee breaks together. I don’t want the house to be quiet without the kids in it.
I know that we need to get back to some kind of normal but honestly im going to miss the slow passed life so much.

I have tried to take so many photos through lockdown and also if you don’t know we have filmed every single day through it on our YouTube channel. Memories are priceless and im so glad we have all of ours in photos and videos.
I really hope you are all safe and well. I hope your not stressed or under pressure and you and your family have some happy memories of lockdown xx
I think it’s great that you have let go of the stress of school, there is something good to say about teaching “life skills” like cooking, baking and prioritizing what is important during a stressful time. You are also giving them tools to use in their adult lives if things become too much. Thank you for sharing your daily life, it sure makes me feel less alone….
Im glad that I can Gove you a little comfort in theese troubling times. And yes your right life skills are so important xx