Oh hello there. It has been such a long time since I have been on here. It feels like every new year I think right im going to blog and then I don’t lol and then I get the itch again around christmas and then I stop.
I thought long and hard about why I get so motivated and then it goes away. Its the same with exercise and other projects I have in my life other than YouTube.
So I have done a lot of soul searching to answer the question, more for myself than anything else. I have come to the conclusion that with the blog I wasn’t writing what I wanted to I was writing what I though people wanted to read. And herein lies the problem I wasn’t doing it for me anymore so I stopped.

So this year is all about me. I am only going to film and write things that bring me joy. I don’t want to fall into any band wagons if they don’t fill me with joy or spark any passion in me. Im also not going to avoid talking about controversial subjects just because it will upset some people. Its unrealistic to think I will never upset anyone with an opinion as everyones opinions differ.
So I thought I would do a little catch up today of what we have been up to for the last few weeks.
We mostly lived in a blur of Christmas food, films and games. Lots and lots of lego building happened which is what makes us happy.

We have also been eating a diet with a lot less meat in! Adam doesn’t enjoy meat he’s not a vegetarian but he hates when he sees it being cooked and can’t stand the smell of pork being cooked. The kids don’t love meat either so im trying lots of new veggie meals from Tamming Twins. So far they have gone down really well. Im also trying to drink a lot more water I basically live on tea and I know I need to drink more so I have a lovely new bottle to try and encourage me.
Our trampoline broke at the end of September and we said we wouldn’t replace it until spring. However with lockdown 3.0 we decided to get a new one so the kids have somewhere to burn all the energy between lessons. Home school is an experience this time but I will do a separate post for that lol

I hope you are all ok and having the best 2021 you possible can under the circumstances.
As always thank you for reading and see you next time xx
Sure have missed you and can’t wait to have some great discussions with you! Happy 2021!!
Happy 2021 feels really good to be back on here xx